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Shrub care

Tree and shrub applications are provided under the guidance of our licensed arborist.  Spring is a crucial time when trees are waking up and their activity blooms.  At this time, we want to feed the tree, and protect trees from pests.  Our 3 spring treatments provide this.

As trees flush their spring growth, different insects attempt to attack our trees.  Each insect species tends to attack different trees at different times.  These times are tied most closely with weather conditions of your particular yard.  We treat these individually based on conditions that exist.  We treat, what needs to be treated, when it needs to be treated.  We call this IPM, Integrated Pest Management.  We provide 4-6 treatments per season.


We use information from UMass, the CAES and our own scouting procedures to provide environmentally responsible treatments.  We are providing plant health care.